Mary Churchill and Meg Palladino, the creators of the University of Venus blog at Inside Higher Ed bring you the View from Venus. VFV is a podcast focused on surviving and thriving in the academy. Find more at
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Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas
View from Venus Episode 0
[00:00:00] Mary Churchill: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the View from Venus a podcast for those of us in higher ed who are trying to figure out how to have a successful career while still having a life and. Hopefully having some fun along the way
[00:00:23] Meg Palladino: [00:00:23] The View from Venus is a new podcast created and produced by us Mary Churchill and Mike Palladino. We are the founders of the University of Venus blog at Inside Higher Ed.
[00:00:32] Mary Churchill: [00:00:32] Way back when almost 10 years ago, when we started University of Venus, one of our main goals was to build community because both of us were dealing with that feeling of like, " I don't know anyone at work and I don't have any friends at work. And I don't know if I can be friends with people at work." So we were feeling kind of lonely and alienated and we're like we can't be the only ones out there feeling this way. So. Let's create a blog. Let's create a community. And [00:01:00] so we did that.
[00:01:01] Meg Palladino: [00:01:01] I think we were also in a position of being young women in a department. That was mostly older men and I didn't know you know, what is my voice? What can I say? When can I say it? How can I say it how do I fit in with these guys?
[00:01:18] Mary Churchill: [00:01:18] So yeah, so that was like 10 years ago. That was almost 10 years ago Meg and I met in a cafe in I think December of 2009 and we figured it out. Let's have a New Year's resolution. Let's do this thing. And so we're again at the beginning end of one decade and the beginning of another and now people are coming to us and saying why don't you guys have a podcast and we've had I don't know over 50 people write with University of Venus in the last 10 years and it's been at least 20 countries.
[00:01:50] And so it's been awesome. It's been wonderful, but we're thinking we can do more and Meg is always pushing me to do more.
[00:01:58] Meg Palladino: [00:01:58] You flatter me, [00:02:00] you know, I think our main goal of the View from Venus is to continue to build our community and to give a space where we can problem solve together and definitely have some fun.
[00:02:09] I think it's also a cool way to respond to some of our reader comments on some of our blog posts. You know, we write these things. We put them out there and people right back and I'd love to be able to talk about some of these things.
[00:02:21] Mary Churchill: [00:02:21] Definitely and maybe not some of the haters or trolls. But some of the really substantive comments that are asking us to push this a little further.
[00:02:32] So we're starting this podcast and for us this is like. It's all new. I feel like we've learned a lot and it just in the last couple of weeks about podcast tile art. We just spent a half an hour picking out tile art for this new podcast, but that was fun. But really, I think we talked about this the other day and for Meg and I the main goal for this podcast is just to continue to build community [00:03:00] and create a space where people can have some fun.
[00:03:03] I think that many people were interested in blogging about 10 years ago, maybe even five years ago and a lot of folks who have blogged with us and would like to continue to blog with us, but don't have time have said, oh I could join you on a podcast. No problem way easier than writing a blog post. So we're hoping that's what happens and. That's where we're going with us.
[00:03:28] Meg Palladino: [00:03:28] Yeah, and I think in addition to having a lot of fun we want to provide listeners with some tips on surviving and thriving in academia as well as navigating work and life and how they balance if they ever do so, you know, we'd like to do these 20-minute podcasts of fun, laughter, and also some solid takeaways
[00:03:47] Mary Churchill: [00:03:47] and so we need to tell you about the name though. So the View from Venus. Is inspired by The View, the TV show. We're thinking about how can we have fun? How [00:04:00] can we bring mostly women together to have a really fun conversation around things that are meaningful to us and maybe they're really serious topics. But how do you have different points of view, Still have fun? Have solid takeaways at the end and still be friendly or collegial at least and we feel like that's The View when it was at its best and that's what it was doing. And so we're hoping to bring on all of you listeners as guest experts to join us in conversation.
[00:04:32] Meg Palladino: [00:04:32] So we'll be coming to weekly on Thursday afternoons just in time for your commute home. If you live on the east coast of the United States,
[00:04:38] Mary Churchill: [00:04:38] so we want to hear from you if you already follow us on Twitter at @UVenus, or if you want to send us an email University of Venus at, or you can find both Meg and I are on Twitter as well. I'm at @ Mary underscore Churchill and Meg is.
[00:04:55] Meg Palladino: [00:04:55] At @ megpalladino
[00:04:55] And we'll take your tweets, we'll take your [00:05:00] comments and we hope you engage with us. But also tell us what you like about what we're doing and then tell us what you don't like so we can change. So hope to see you soon on the View from Venus.
[00:05:13] Meg Palladino: [00:05:13] Yeah, and the season we're going to be bringing you lots of different conversations and episodes and work style accountability groups mentoring imposter syndrome and.
[00:05:22] Self-care, which is especially important during the holidays. So if you're an expert on any one of these topics or you feel like you have tips you want to share please let us know
[00:05:31] Mary Churchill: [00:05:31] and we have two other rotating guest hosts who will be helping us out and you probably know those folks Lee Skallerup Bessette and Leanne Doherty Mason will be joining us.
[00:05:41] Every other week so look for us and them listen will be on Spotify and all the places where you can find podcasts. See you soon.